Exercise 5.1 Illusion of photography – final edit

15th June 2020

I found this exercise quite interesting as on the completion of it I had created a bonus illusion game sequence (which can be found on this link) which format can be used for some excellent illusion photography.

My final piece of work for this exercise is called ‘In Hiding.’ The concept is that even when I am present with people, I am hiding from them. The other parts of me that I need to get through different situations and to interact with different people are not visible. This is symbolised by appearing face in the mirror – which one of my brave self’s is needed for this situation?

The bathroom was in a restaurant that I was celebrating in. I was with people that had supported me for three years when I lived in constant mayhem and danger. So this ‘self’ that is appearing in the mirror is one that is putting on a brave face, hence the smiling.

In Hiding

If you look at the blog page, ‘Exercise 5.1 Illusion of photography – background tests and research’, it will show how I tried to extend the sequence so that there was a concept that the viewer could think about as the self-portrait changed into a close-up of eyes and a nose.

Apart from the extension of the sequence ‘In hiding,’ there is a moving sequence that I have based on the ‘Where’s Wally’ game which I have called ‘Where’s Dawn.’ This extension piece has given me lots of ideas on how to create a series of work that comments on both the theme of mental health and domestic abuse.

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